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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Boy in the blue scarf.

So today, the ever sacred last weekend before school starts, I went to an event in San Francisco called Pistahan with my sister and mom, and originally I was wearing a Zara sweater, burgundy scarf and jean jacket, and my sister was wearing this striped sweater and blue scarf. In the middle of the event, my sister tells me she wants to wear the Zara sweater instead. Being the older brother, the "kuya" that I am, I look at her outfit and shrug, and we both run into a stairwell to switch outfits, which was both spontaneous and fun but at the same time kind of embarrassing because two guys came down the stairs and looked at us like we were crazy. We also chose the stairwell conveniently located next to a restaurant where people were eating outside. This was the result of my outfit change! So for all of you with siblings, you never know what your sibling has in their closet that could look good on you too! It never hurts to look! Although, get permission first. It irks me when my sister takes things without asking.

After the event, my family and I prayed at St. Patrick's Cathedral, which was across the street. It was a beautiful cathedral, I was going to take pictures...but well, it's a cathedral. After my Chaplet of Divine Mercy, we headed over to a sushi place on Mission that had amazing calamari tempura, then IKEA for new bedsheets (!), and then our local B&N for another Agatha Christie novel for my reading pleasure. 

Now, a few random pictures for your viewing pleasure:

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dahhlayne said...

Gosh, I wish I could switch clothes with my brothers. Unfortunately, our personal styles are totallly different. Not to mention they are taller and skinnier than me. Booo.

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